You're a smart person. Smart people don't waste their time looking for other smart people every time they want to do something beyond the norm.
Continue being smart. Hire the person who goes beyond the norm on a regular basis.
There are quite a few Memberium Certified Implementation Partners, but that number drops drastically if you're looking for someone you can partner with who not only knows Memberium, but also knows Infusionsoft inside-out and is a WordPress developer. (Hint: that would be ME).
Give yourself peace of mind and request a consultation. Share all of your "outside the box" ideas. Or if you don't have any - yet - bask in the knowledge that you have "future proofed" yourself. No matter what you're looking for, I'll do my best to make it happen just as I have for my other multi-million dollar clients. Whether I suggest a cost-effective ready-made solution or I have to create something custom for you, we'll put something together that will make your Memberium Membership Site ROCK.
Not sure? Check out some of my awesome testimonials.
Ready to go?